Posts Tagged ‘bullying’

If you can read this, you know that bullies have existed forever.  If you’ve not been living in a cave, you know that it has gotten a little worse over the last decade or so, especially since bullies can now have their friends video them doing their bullying on their phones and instantly upload and or share it with all their friends and numerous websites -they can relive the moment and the victims can be laughed at by so many more people.

Recently, there’s been a big anti-bullying-thing going on.  At my kids’ elementary school, just about every person running for an office on the student government, had some sort of promise to stop bullying in the school.  I asked my daughters (2nd and 4th graders) if they knew of any bullying going on and they said no -maybe they don’t see it or maybe it’s not happening in their classes.  Of course, it is possible that the school, school district, state, etc. is trying to drive home the anti-bully message so they are pushing the candidates to mention it.

Last week, the President and the First Lady spoke at some conference against bullying and I think there’s another sort of Public Service Announcement (PSA) against bullying that the President has made. I hadn’t watched any of them until just a few minutes ago, and only because I was writing this, but I’m fairly certain that the majority of the kids who are bullies haven’t and won’t watch them.  Even if they were to watch them, do you think they are going to decide against bullying?  Not likely.

Now, I applaud the President and his wife for speaking out about the bullying, but I have to wonder if this isn’t a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  The President and his administration are straight out of Chicago and are more than willing to use the bullying-style politics Chicago is known for.  To a large degree, a lot of getting anything done in Congress is a matter of who’s got the biggest bully on their side.  At no point was this more evident than last year when the President and his Democrat-controlled Congress pushed Obamacare right over top of the Republicans and onto an American public that, according to all the polls, the majority of the population didn’t want.

To all you bullies up there in Congress, the people sent notice last fall that they are not happy being trampled for political gain or to create your “legacy” -this isn’t based on parties, I hope.  Do what the people who’ve elected want or be replaced.