Posts Tagged ‘Somali pirates’

Is it just me or is it about time we do something proactive about these freakin’ Somali pirates???

They’ve been getting away with this crap for too long.  Yeah, they don’t always get away with it and some of them get killed when they pick on a big enough target that the home country doesn’t want to lose, but that isn’t often enough.

Last week they seized a boat with four Americans on board and killed them.  This week they seized a Danish yacht with four adults and three children aboard, as well as a Greek-owned cargo vessel.

I find it difficult to believe that in a time where we can track everyone who owns a cell phone and see who was home from work when Google took their latest shot of your house, that we can’t track these thugs back to their lairs and terminate them with extreme prejudice.  Are they not a big enough problem yet?  How many merchant ships or private boats or combination thereof do they have to seize and kidnap/kill those aboard before they really rouse the ire of a government.

For me, they are terrorists and need to be dealt with as part of our “War on Terror”, but wait, I think we changed that name to something friendlier, right?